We all rely on the same resources on this planet. We all suffer the same fate when those resources become scarce and/or toxic.
Our current efforts to make our resources more sustainable are not keeping pace with their depletion, contamination, and/or destruction.
Substantial innovation is necessary to transcend our current evolutionary limitations.
However, innovation requires time, patience, and understanding as well as significant funding that often results in delayed returns on investment.
Moreover, traditional funding models focus on individual companies and their products, rather than the problems they attempt to solve.
This is like asking 50 groups of beavers to build 50 dams along the same river.
Solving global issues requires acting as a global community and measuring the actual impact we make, rather than the profits we gain.
The World Impact Forum, organised by the World Impact Group (WIG), is a confluence of people who want to understand how to fund, support,
and propagate collaborative and holistic innovation that can actually solve our most pressing global issues.
To be a global catalyst for positive change, empowering a network of visionary leaders and change-makers who drive sustainable solutions for a better world.